4 Simple Back-To-School Custom Ribbons

Send your kids back-to-school with fun custom ribbons. Decorate notebooks, book bags, lockers and more with bright and fun ribbons. Here are several fun projects to help your child be a bit more excited that summer is ending. They will love to take these to school with them! And, they will keep your kids a bit more organized.

Spirit Bows

get your kids excited to go back to school with these fun custom ribbons

These bows are perfect for booster clubs, fund raisers, pep rallies, bands or just for fun. You can use any color combination to coordinate with your school. Take these spirit bows one step further by adding a logo, saying or motto as a custom ribbon roll.

Use each spirit bow in many different ways. Use them for chair decorations, hair ribbons or pom-pom accessories. And the best way to use them is by recognizing each student and helping them to develop positive feelings for themselves and the school. Promote spirit and help your students to know their worth.

Bookmark Ribbons

get your kids excited to go back to school with these fun custom ribbons

Create a special bookmark for all of the students in your home or classroom. Customize these custom top ribbons with quotes or other text and graphics to match the uniqueness of each of your kids. Choose from their favorite colors as well. Not only will this keep the child’s attention, but it will help keep their place in their favorite novel or text book while they are studying.

Award Ribbons

get your kids excited to go back to school with these fun custom ribbons

Reward your students when they accomplish something great! Choose from a variety of stock award ribbons that will reward that special achievement. Or customize your own. Select specific colors, graphics and text and make sure your child knows just how much pride you take in them!

Rosette Ribbons

get your kids excited to go back to school with these fun custom ribbons

Rosette ribbons are also great for rewarding athletes and superstars in your classroom. From track and field to spelling champs, these ribbons provide that special recognition to those who succeed in their endeavors. Don’t limit yourself to just using these ribbons as awards. Use them to decorate your classroom or home to celebrate the start of the school year. Or frame each one or a collection to show how proud you are of a child’s accomplishments.

From decorations with your school motto and colors to special welcome back gifts for your students, these ribbons are truly the most versatile. There are so many things you can do with our personalized ribbons!