Summer Reading Reward Ribbons

summer reading alpha mom award ribbons reward ribbons

It’s hot outside, the barbecues have been dusted off, the lawn chairs have been pulled out, and all the kids are out of school for the summer. They are running through the neighborhood without a set schedule to keep them entertained and out of trouble. Places like libraries and book stores seem to experience a decline in seeing the younger crowd around for now. Enter the summer reading programs!

But, enticing kids to keep their minds active can be a difficult and sometimes daunting task. How do we help kids stay reading throughout the summer? Why not a summer reading program with reward ribbons as recognition for completing the program? Many libraries, school districts and book stores are all on this summer reading bandwagon.

From reading charts to freebies, there are many ways to keep those youngsters involved in their books. Local libraries strive each summer to provide these reading programs, yet it is still difficult to keep any child’s attention when it’s so nice outside. This is where providing reward ribbons for any made effort to keep on reading helps out. It also helps them to stay interested and not distracted from completing the books they have selected.

Reward Ribbons

Custom top ribbons designed as reward ribbons for schools.

Personalized ribbons are a great way to keep the kiddos involved. Design each reward ribbon to make a great marketing and reward tool for all of these reading programs. When selecting prizes your company might use for a summer reading program, make sure they are both diverse and as inclusive as possible. Make sure to know how tactile your prize needs to be; if the reward ribbon is high in contrast, it will better suit a wide age range.

Getting the word out using personalized ribbons makes any summer reading program easier for children to find and join. Give them a reward that says “congratulations” or “good reader,” or just create your own saying. Try a ribbon bookmark with pinked edges to brighten up any book. Or, create full color bookmarks as a reward for children who meet their summer reading goals.