Acknowledge Success Using Prize Ribbons

From rosette ribbons to badge ribbons, we have just what you need to help recognize colleagues, family and friends in their success. When you recognize and acknowledge success in anyone, it has incredible outcomes, especially when you use personalized ribbons.

Acknowledge Success and Achievements

Even in a fun work environment, employees want to feel appreciated for their hard work. Thank each team member for their contribution by customizing badge ribbons that highlight their achievements. From perfect attendance to closing a big sale, recognizing these accomplishments increases company loyalty. It also encourages team members to congratulate each other on their accomplishments. By creating a work culture where everyone feels valued, your employees will love coming to work. You will also attract new talent as word of your positive company culture spreads.

Custom Ribbons

Custom rosette ribbon with a message of outstanding service is a great way to acknowledge success.

Using custom rosette ribbons to acknowledge success will help anyone feel special. Employees, and really anyone, will know how much you care when you put thought into a prize ribbon just for them. And, you can customize these ribbons to say just about anything!

Start by picking how detailed you want the ribbon to be by choosing streamer count and length. Then choose how big you want the rosette part. Then you can work out which colors you want for your ribbon. Once you have chosen these styles, add any text and graphics or icons you need for these fun and fabulous ribbons.

Stock Ribbons

Stock award ribbons are a great way to acknowledge success.

While these prize ribbons are pre-designed, they do not take away from any distinguished honors or successes. So, save some time and order a stock ribbon to help you acknowledge success around your office or team today.

Choose from a variety (rosette and flat) of ribbons to give out the recognition someone deserves for a job well done. From simple stock rosettes that simply say 1st Place to flat prize ribbons with bold colors and fantastic messages, all of these ribbons are just as glorious as custom ones.

Recognizing Achievement and Celebrating Excellence

Not only do people like receiving recognition for their achievements, but they deserve it as well. When you recognize achievement, several things happen. One, they are provided with a vital boost to continue in their excellence. Two, they gain happiness for their job well done. And, three, the recognition spills to other people. It’s almost like a ripple effect that goes beyond just the person receiving the recognition. After all, one good turn deserves another, right?

So, how can you learn to make achievements work for you no matter where you work (education, business and organizations)? Driving excellence in your organization will help to boost employee engagement and clientele satisfaction.

Immediately Acknowledge Success

By recognizing achievement as soon as you see it, you help to encourage everyone around you. Whether that’s in an office or a store, these celebrations of success will strengthen your team. They will also help your colleagues perform better while doing their jobs. And, it will help you to see how other’s success will help your success.

Learn even more about Recognizing Achievement and Celebrating Excellence. After all, the quality of the reward will affect the quality of the return work. So make sure your awards are high-quality!

3 Ways to Find Business Success with Ribbons

Starting a business is hard work, and having business success requires sacrifices. But, many business owners don’t talk about what you need to keep that success going. This journey to greatness starts with you, the business owner.

While ribbons may not be the answer to every question along the way to success, they will play a key role in many ways. So, make sure to keep these ribbons on hand at all times so they are available to help you when you need them.

Custom ribbons will help in any business success by adding logos and other key company information.

1) Product Packaging for Business Success

Branded ribbons are a great way to help customers trust your business. Adding a company logo and slogan to ribbon rolls or badge ribbons is a great way to help others recognize your brand. Now that you have these ribbons, you can add them to name tags, products in your store and goody bags that are handed out at conventions and other events.

All other custom ribbons are also here to help your business succeed. No matter your choice, make sure your color, imprint and logo are consistent with your established brand. By adding these ribbons to things that will get passed around (think promotional products or samples), word of mouth advertising will start to work in your favor. Once this happens, potential clients and customers will start recognizing your brand.

2) Customer Retention

A popular way of promoting your brand is to give away promotional products and gifts. This can help you to build your brand recognition and increase sales. Don’t limit yourself on the types of gifts you give away. It can be something as simple as a homemade treat to an actual product sample. Just remember to brand it with your logo, company slogan or something that makes it truly yours. Use ribbon rolls with your slogan to wrap around boxes or gift bags.

Remember that visibility is key to customer retention. By using custom ribbons around your store or office, you are sure to find business success. Customers and clients will start to recognize your brand, and when they need what you offer, you will be at the top of their mind.

3) Employee Appreciation

A happy employee is a helpful one. So, keep your crew happy and you’ll get even more word of mouth advertising. And, by giving to your employees (whether it’s gifts or money), you will get something back.

When you give a gift to your employees, wrap it with care and a little bit of branded ribbon. Use badge ribbons with custom statements declaring your appreciation for a job well done. Or, use ribbon rolls with your logo and the text “Thank You” to show your employees just how much you care.

Ribbons Lead to Business Success

Custom ribbon rolls and badge ribbons with company logo will lead to business success

From color to content, ribbons are a versatile tool that will help anyone with branding their business. However, by customizing badge ribbons to ribbon rolls, you’re giving your brand greater strength. From store sales to getting-to-know-you corporate retreats, ribbons are a perfect way to include those around you that may not know everything they should about your company.

Most of our personalized ribbons can be printed with a company logo and each ribbon has its own value. Ribbon rolls are great for corporate gifting and event decoration. Use badge ribbons only on badge holders and name tags, but also for awards, bookmarks and other recognition pieces. Rosette ribbons are commonly used as awards and also to highlight accomplishments in an office or business setting.

Find business success with imprinted, personalized ribbons. Add a logo and company name for brand recognition. And, most importantly, use each ribbon type in a variety of ways! Learn even more by reading Business Success and Taking Small Steps.

Creative Valentine’s Day Ribbons for Your Business

Whether it’s a sale or another event, holidays are the perfect time to make your business stand out. Add some flair this holiday with Valentine’s Day ribbons. From ribbon rolls to custom badge ribbons, we have the perfect solution for your business to be the best it can be. Try out these ribbon suggestions today!

Promoting Product and Sales

Using badge ribbons for the holidays and for Valentine's Day ribbons for sales and special messages.

Don’t forget about adding a little bit of color, and you can do this with badge ribbons! Add them as price tags around your store. Or have employees wear them to announce upcoming sales or giveaways. Badge ribbons are prize real estate when promoting sales, so make sure you have plenty available to use.

Are you having only certain products on sale or need to draw attention to one particular thing? Buy some balloons and attach them to nearly anything with custom ribbon rolls. Add your logo and company name or a Valentine’s Day sale message, and start advertising your sale now!

Start encouraging early holiday shopping with reminder “cards” in the form of custom top ribbons. These full color ribbons are the perfect way to get your message out. Add nearly any graphic, logo, image and text you want to these unique ribbons. Then, share them with customers as handouts instead of paper fliers. Give them out in shopping bags or attach them to shopping baskets so that your clientele sees them everywhere.

Sharing a Special Holiday Message

Add icons and graphics to ribbon rolls for Valentine's Day ribbons for any business.

Adding icons, small graphics or a simple text message to ribbon rolls is the perfect way of sharing a holiday message. Whether it’s for client gifts or something to give customers as they make a purchase, ribbon rolls are a great way to celebrate. PRO TIP: When using organza ribbons, add a complementary color of another ribbon type for some extra depth.

Let your employees share some of your holiday spirit by having them wear badge ribbons on their name tags. Choose from several fun and festive colors and add graphics and text to wish your customers a happy Valentine’s Day. Or, give badge ribbons to customers in their bags or take out orders to spread your cheer.

Another great idea is to attach custom top ribbons to take out orders with a discount code printed on them for their next order. These full color ribbons can also include heating instructions or a simple, thoughtful holiday message.

Announcing Parties and Other Events with Valentine’s Day Ribbons

Ribbons and events are practically synonymous, so don’t forget to order ribbons to go with your Valentine’s parties and events. And, don’t be too picky about the ribbon type either. You can use every ribbon available in different ways!

Custom top ribbons are perfect for any business to use for Valentine's Day ribbons.

Custom top ribbons are perfect for inviting guests to attend your event. Add details such as time and date, or get really creative because they are a full color option and add graphics and images. But no matter what you do with these ribbons, make sure they have your logo somewhere on them. This way, your attendees will be sure to remember where they got those fantastic ribbons.

Event decorating typically starts with custom ribbon rolls, so add those to your repertoire as well. They can literally go everywhere. From wall decorations to the front reception desk, ribbon rolls are the perfect answer to any decoration need. Cut strips as table scatter, drape them on a chair, tie bows around everything, and the list keeps going!

Other ribbons might be a bit more complicated to use but are still worth looking into. Try badge ribbons for marking seating arrangements. Or use these flat ribbons for vouchers for prizes or a way to enter a drawing. Make sure you have your thinking cap on when experimenting with badge ribbons and don’t forget to tell us (or better show us) what you did with badge ribbons for your event.

Ribbon Stockings DIY for the Holidays

Let’s get into some holiday spirit, and at the same time, have some fun with ribbons! Here’s a fun, crafty project to make your season bright this year. All you need is some imagination and, of course, some ribbons. So, let’s get started on these fun ribbon stockings!

Step One: Ribbons for the stockings.

Yes, the first step is to make sure that you have enough ribbons. So first, determine how many stockings you are going to make. This number will help you figure out how much ribbon you need. For each stocking, we used about three feet of four different colors (12 feet total). You also need to determine which ribbon you will be using. We used leftover strips of our two-inch badge ribbon material. The colors we chose are Deep Gold, Arctic White, Navy and Orange.

Step Two: Gather all of your supplies.

Materials needed to make holiday ribbon stockings include badge ribbons, scissors and a sewing machine.

While ribbons are the base supply for this project, you will need several other things as well. A sewing machine is a must for this project. While you can use a needle and thread and sew these by hand, a machine will significantly speed up the process. You will also need a ruler, fabric scissors and some backing for your stockings. You can use a stocking pattern or grab some cheap felt and draw your own. We used a pre-made felt stocking that we picked up at a dollar store.

Step Three: Start measuring.

Badge ribbons cut into three inch strips to make ribbon stockings.

This step comes in parts. First, we measured our ribbons into six-inch pieces. Then we folded these pieces in half and cut them into three-inch pieces. You can combine this into one step and cut them immediately into three-inch pieces. But we found that wrapping the ribbon roll around a six-inch ruler, it saved some time.

The next part of this step is to make sure that your three-inch strips have straight edges. We tried to work with the original edge but found that straight edges worked better. Yes, this process is tedious but well worth it. You can use the ribbon for accuracy, but that is not completely necessary. We mostly just eye-balled it. However, the edges must be as straight as possible so that all ribbons will line up as you are sewing them together. Without being straight, the ribbons can end up either not being sewn properly or being crooked.

Step Four: Figure out your layout.

The mock up for the holiday ribbon stockings before sewing pieces together.

Once you cut your ribbons into approximately three-inch pieces with straight edges, define your layout and mock it up on a flat surface. Now is the time to be creative! And, laying out the ribbons before you start sewing will allow you to see which colors will be touching. Doing this will help you see and maintain your pattern.

We wanted to make sure there was a pattern for our stockings. So, we chose an alternating look so that gold would not touch gold, orange would not touch orange, etc. (Some of the finished stockings could have used a little more time during this step to make sure this happened.) Your layout will be dependent on the size of your stockings. The size we have fit 11 rows with four pieces each. Now that you have a mock-up of what the finished product will look like, you can start sewing. Make sure you line up the three edges flush before starting your stitching.

Step Five: Start sewing your stockings.

While sewing, it is crucial to watch which colors you are working with and go slowly. Make sure you remember which colors attach together. We used a simple, straight stitch to connect all of the pieces. You also want to make sure that the stitch is as close to the edge as possible, but keep it uniform so that your ribbons will lay flat. Then, start piecing your stocking together. Don’t worry about dangling threads as you can trim them later.

Sew together the first four ribbons and double-check your pattern to make sure you didn’t switch anything around. Then work on your second chain checking to make sure the colors are in order. Now that you have two chains, you need to attach them. Again, make sure that your color scheme is not changing. It is important to continually watch your colors to make sure that you are not switching things around. Repeat this process until you have all of your ribbons stitched together.

Badge ribbons sewn together to make holiday ribbon stockings.

Between each finished row, lay your ribbons down as flat as possible, and double-check that your pattern is correct. Keep repeating these steps until all of your ribbons are sewn together into a “quilted” look. Double-check your pattern that it stayed the same as your layout. If something looks wrong, take a moment to fix it.

Step Six: The finishing touches.

A felt Christmas stocking used to make ribbon stockings.

Now that you have that done, it is time to add in the rest of your stocking. You can use a pattern to form your stocking shape or use a pre-made piece. Again, we got our felt stocking from a dollar store. We disassembled the stocking and laid out the pieces to go with the finished ribbon pattern. Make sure to match front with front so that the right sides will show when you sew it together. You will need to make sure that all of the stocking’s edges are covered with the ribbon.

We then pinned all of the pieces together (wrong side out) before sewing to make sure that they didn’t slip away from the placement. Again, we used a simple, straight stitch and followed the pre-made stocking’s edge to get the correct shape. Once you have sewn the felt pieces to the ribbon, turn everything right-side-out. Double-check that your shape is correct as now is the time to make any necessary adjustments.

Now that you have sewn these pieces together, you can attach the top and decide if you are including a hanger. Then we pinned the top (right-sides-out) of the stocking onto the ribbon portion and ran a simple, straight stitch to connect the pieces. Once this is done, double-check that everything looks good, and you’re done!

Congratulations, you have just completed a Christmas stocking made from ribbons.

PRO TIP: Add a custom shaped name tag to each stocking for additional personalization!

Decorating for Success: Business 101

The key to a successful retail business is product presentation. No matter what your company sells, whether it’s furniture or cookies, product packaging and store design play a key role in how well your business performs. Take some time right now to learn about an easy-to-use tool that will help you in decorating for success: RIBBONS.

There are many types of ribbons and many different ways to use them. Here is a quick list of what we have to offer and how they can be used throughout your store.


These ribbons are 100 yards of pure delight. When customized with the right message, they will help with store sales, brand recognition and so much more. Choose a color that matches your logo or goes well with your store arrangement. Then add any text and logos that you need to get your message out to your customers. Here are a few quick ideas to get your imagination flowing with how to use these wonderful ribbons.

full color ribbon roll strip used as a clearance marker for decorating for success in a furniture store
  • Use them to announce sales and mark products that are on sale.
  • Attach fancy bows to larger products such as artwork and glassware.
  • Wrap smaller products in pretty packaging and tie them securely with ribbons.
  • Add strips from the ribbon roll to bags that your customers will be taking home.

Decorating for Success – Pro Tip: The large width of our full color ribbons is perfect for tagging large clearance items such as furniture (think chairs, couches, tables, etc.).


Flat ribbon pieces steal the show just when you need them to. Choose from an abundance of color choices. Add nearly any text, logos and graphics (depending on the ribbon style). All of these options are there to help you get your message out. Use the hanger ties or adhesive strips to display these everywhere in your store.

  • Add fancy and colorful price tags to all of your products.
  • Mark items with colorful ribbon strips to let customers know what’s on sale.
  • Have your employees wear badge ribbons so customers can see store announcements.
  • Use flat ribbons of every type to add display markers so customers can find things quicker.


These fanciful rose type ribbons are more useful than you may imagine. They are available in bright colors and fun, customizable center buttons. Add graphics, logos and text to both the buttons and the ribbon streamers. Choose colors to go with your existing store decor or make something so bright that it stands out to your customers.

  • Attach a rosette ribbon to cash registers to inform customers of a sale.
  • Highlight specialty products in a fun, unique way with rosettes.
  • Make a rosette wreath to add to any holiday decor you might use.
  • Hang small rosettes on endcaps to show customers where the sale is.

Pro Tip: Decorating for success should include your employees, so get them brand new name tags!

Decorating for Success, Ribbon Style!

Whether it’s for the holidays or a pop-up sale your shop is having, custom ribbons are a must when it comes to decorating for success in any business. From window staging to giving out samples, all of our ribbons can be used in any environment. Use ribbon rolls, badge ribbons and even rosette to make your store stand out.